RBI wellbeing award


Russell Bedford International was awarded the title of ‘Wellbeing Initiative of the Year’ at the 2022 International Accounting Bulletin Awards ceremony, which took place at the iconic Waldorf Hilton in London on Wednesday, 29 June 2022.


The ‘Wellbeing Initiative of the Year’ award recognises the investment an industry organisation has made to support the physical and mental wellbeing of its employees and members since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.  As winners of the award, Russell Bedford provided measurable evidence of their wellbeing initiative, which improved the wellbeing of its members over the past year and included testimonials that demonstrate how Russell Bedford supported them.


Some of the outcomes of the Russell Bedford initiative include delivery of 16 bespoke online training sessions, access to an online learning platform with e-learning courses on stress, mental and wholistic health, enhanced communications skills and an additional four intensive 90-minute online training sessions with trainer Michael Quigley throughout 2022.


Speaking about the award, CEO Stephen Hamlet said: “This award acknowledges our efforts and achievements in this space, providing help to our people around the world in regards to mental and physical health, and the work we have done with Michael Quigley on an ongoing basis throughout the recent period.”


He added: “Thank you to my super dedicated and passionate team, our 8,000+ individuals at our member firms around the world and to the profession at large for both their work in terms of getting the initiative off the ground and their participation in the various training opportunities offered, which brings benefit to all and makes this so valuable to our people.”


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