MBS client spotlight image

The saying might not be “as busy as an air conditioning service business in Darwin”... but it might as well be.

Luke Young is the Managing Director of Mechanical Building Services NT (MBS), a Darwin headquartered commercial air conditioning service and maintenance business which has seen significant growth in the four years he has been working with Lee Green.


Luke was referred to Lee Green by his bank who recognised the potential for the business to grow and saw that he could use some strategic advice.

“Right from the initial meeting, we started documenting Luke’s business and personal financial goals.  Together we then worked on a strategic business plan to achieve those goals over a 5 year period.  Through Luke’s and his team’s hardwork and commitment, the business achieved those targets within 3 years” said Lee Green Principal Mike Sweeney.

Luke added “Lee Green highlighted right from the start that I should also consider my non-business financial goals and there is a huge amount of satisfaction when you achieve those goals as reward for the hard work”. 


A target without a plan is not much use though, so Lee Green recommended a number of changes to better manage the MBS business.  First up, Xero was implemented as the business General Ledger system.  Amongst other benefits, the cloud based software package allows the business to be managed by Luke and his team from anywhere.  In addition, MBS moved from manual work orders to Simpro, an online job management system which directly feeds into Xero.  The implementation of these applications (together with a few administrative process changes) allowed MBS to scale up to manage the air conditioning component of some of Darwin’s largest projects without the need for expansion of the finance team.

Luke had this to say on one of the benefits of upgrading their systems “By moving to the cloud, our service coordinator Cindy could continue to manage the business through maternity leave.  This wouldn’t have been possible using our old systems”.


The future looks bright for MBS and we are looking forward to working with Luke through the next phase of the business. 

“Luke is a great client to work with.  Someone who actively works on the management of the business as well as in its operations.  By breaking his long term goals into milestones, we are able to celebrate achievements as the business progresses whilst staying focused" said Mike.


You can find out more about MBS's services on their website here.

If Lee Green can help your business succeed, please contact us on (08) 8333 3666 or reception@leegreen.com.au


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The Lee Green team has services, expertise and experience to help you make the right financial decisions for you or your business.

T: (08) 8333 3666
F: (08) 8333 0666

South Australia:
190 Fullarton Rd, Dulwich SA 5065

Northern Territory:
Level 1, 66 Smith St, Darwin NT 0800

Postal Address:
PO Box 218, Kent Town SA 5071


Lee Green & Co Pty Ltd
ACN: 008 215 094 ABN: 76 008 215 094

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


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