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by Dana Feng, Accountant.


It’s that time of year when everyone seems to be making New Year’s resolutions. It is certainly a good time to reflect on your business’ progress over the past year and plan how you want it to develop in the year ahead.

Here are 5 ways you can resolve to build a stronger, more prosperous business in 2022:


  1. Focus on customer service

2020 and 2021 surely taught us that customer loyalty can really help carry your business through a tough time.

When it comes to customer service, people remember bad experiences as often as the really good ones. Identify what your biggest missteps were in 2021 and outline how you and your team can avoid them in the future. At the same time, highlight what went well and how you can build on those experiences in 2022.


  1. Build a social media marketing and communication plan

We live in an age where having a solid social media marketing strategy is more critical then ever. Engaging with clients on social media is essential to getting your business seen, building your brand and developing a loyal following. So keep perfecting that digital engagement.


  1. Prioritise company culture

If your small business relies on the work of your employees, then focusing on building a good company culture is a fantastic resolution for 2022. Employees that feel engaged and inspired are more productive than simply “satisfied” employees. Having a strong company culture that makes employees feel appreciated, respected and as if their career development matters is a great way to boost employees engagement and loyalty.

Consider surveying your staff on what changes they would like to see culture-wise. Then work towards developing a company culture that reflects your business’ value and prioritises the needs of your staff.


  1. Review your bookkeeping and paperwork processes

From Zoom fatigue to the “new normal”, Covid seems to have accelerated a decade of behavior change into one year. You may wish to consider using a cloud-based bookkeeping software, to which you, your bookkeeper and your accountant have access. Further to a bookkeeping system, you should consider moving from a paper-based filing system to an electronic filing system which allows access no matter where you are. Talk to our team at Lee Green for your options.


  1. Budget and regular review with your accountant

Budgeting is extremely important and can make a massive difference to your year going forward. This is a great reason to arrange a planning meeting with your accountant.

Take the opportunity to discuss and understand your figures and plan out for the balance of the tax year.


Are you ready to take the next steps to set your business up for success in 2022? Please contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our Business Consulting experts, we are happy to meet with you over the phone, via video conferencing or consult via email if you prefer.


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T: (08) 8333 3666
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Level 1, 66 Smith St, Darwin NT 0800

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